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Welcome to the Adflex Virtual Terminal (AVT)

The Adflex Virtual Terminal has been designed to replace the traditional stand-alone card processing terminal with a more flexible software based solution. In addition to processing normal credit/debit card transactions, the Adflex Virtual Terminal is able to process VGIS/LID and Amex CPC purchasing cards

Latest News
Save money and upgrade to Adflex Bureau now!
If you are spending lots of time manually processing card transactions maybe its time to consider automating this process ..more

Adflex PCI DSS Accreditation
Adflex are accredited as a PCI DSS Level 1 payment service provider which is the highest level of PCI-DSS compliance achievable ..more

Do you process cards on other systems?
Adflex are able to process cards in many environments, including chip and pin, ecommerce and fully integrated. By switching to Adflex we can certainly save you money contact us

We value your feedback
Do you have a great idea that could change the way we provide service to our customers, or perhaps an innovation that could make doing business easier?
Either way, we value your opinion and want to understand how we can constantly improve. Leave us your feedback and be assured that we will carefully review all suggestions. send your feedback

Interested in how we do it for others?
We have helped thousands of suppliers accept card payments around the globe ..more